11 days left...

Here is the deal Folks,
September 23rd ENV2
is opening officially and
we told you it will be the
biggest launch in IM History.

We developed our blueprint
system for that reason only
and I wanna make sure you
do understand right now why
it is so important to position
yourself before September 23rd...

On that day people will be able to
join an early bird list where u can
pre-position yourself for ENV2 but
nobody will be able to actually join
for 7 days, then September 30th the
env2 products will automatically 
switch over to your current platform
and you will have the best new blogging
platform housed internally by empower
to give you a blog which will be so
easy to run, you could even blog from
your I phone with 3 clicks to upload
videos or customize anything you want...

easy  easy  easy   ...

anyone needs an online website/ blog,
without it you wont be able to do anything
online as you don't have a central hub which
is a must as an Online Marketer...     

Plug and play basically...

How does it affect yourself?

let me get to this very Important question...

We designed the blueprint to help you
start getting traffic and hopefully paid
team members while going through the 
education and products inside your
business... so while your traffic keeps
flowing 24/7 you have time to learn how
to really build a business Online using
the inner circle, costa rica, 15k formula
and the masters course...                                               

We do all your advertising via literally
hundreds of different options we have 
available and you can plug into my
blueprint and get the exact same prospect
and leads we generate for our business which
made us over 1 million so far in commissions
and we spent over 500 k of that back into testing
our marketplace to bring you what we believe
is some of the best traffic sources we discovered
over the last 7 years now...

Now this is very important:  next 6 days only...!

will we allow you to get a coop share so you can
position yourself for the big cash wave which is about
to hit our Industry, you will be hearing about it folks
every day 24/7 ....ENV2 has arrived.


note: this is where we will advertise your system link
to tens of thousands of prospects every week/ month
but once the 100 shares have sold out then you wont
get the opportunity to lock arms with our system and
teams as we won`t / cant allow any more coop members
into our network because we want to make sure all of you
who joined and paid for this coop are getting results first...

Numbers: 100 coop shares gives us a total of 10k per
month to invest in ads and we probably will be adding
around 5-10 k per month on top of this to ensure you
see results...why are we doing it?

simple, our name Wealth4Everyone should really stand
for helping everyone involved to make it to the top using
our marketing skills and connections we have and by
helping as many people to the top who are coachable,
committed and consistent, we will literally attract hundreds
of folks who are looking for what we have here, we will have
weekly webinars in October once ENV2 is officially open worldwide...

So still thinking of joining our coop? Take action today because
this email is going to over 280 k prospects and we sold so far 59
shares and have 41 left till September 23rd, stage 1 of our roll out.

Stage 2: if any shares left by September 23rd we leave it open till
September 30th till env2 is officially open but be aware that after
that date we close coop shares regardless and those who join our
system after env2 opens will be placed on a 3month waiting list
before they can get coop spots, we will not open more spots till
current members seeing results weekly.  

this will ensure once we do open up that we have immediately
coop spots sold and can invest more into our marketing system
once we tested our entire connections and know where to invest
to generate results on an on going basis...sounds fair?

Thought so, make sure to position yourself this week and next week
and be ready for massive traffic once env2 is open worldwide,
my contact details are inside your new system backoffice if you
need to reach me@


To The Very Top With ENV2

Brian Michael

CEO of Wealth4Everyone

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
