New Survey: Is Your Site Prepared for High Traffic?


How does your organization get ready to ensure website performance during peak traffic periods, such as major online shopping events and holidays? What are your biggest challenges in protecting your website/eCommerce site from disruptions in performance or security during these high volume traffic periods?

We invite you to share your opinions with us in this brief survey.  Please take 10 minutes to participate in this short survey and enter to win a drawing for $250 cash.

To participate, simply click on the following URL or cut and paste it into your browser:

The survey is confidential; neither your name nor your company's name will be associated with your answers.  Please be assured that any responses you provide will be used only in combination with those of other survey responses. If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact our sister company IDG Research Services at

Again, please share your thoughts here:

Thank you for your help!  Your contribution to the success of this research survey is greatly appreciated.


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