Lavabit shutdown marks another costly blemish for U.S. tech companies

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look: August 09, 2013
Lavabit shutdown marks another costly blemish for U.S. tech companies
Lavabit, the purported email provider to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, abruptly
suspended its operations yesterday under mysterious circumstances. Lavabit
founder and operator Ladar Levison said that after much soul searching , he'd
decided to shut down the U.S.-based service -- but that he couldn't legally
reveal his reasons.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WHITE PAPER: NeuStar, Inc.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Reducing the Risk to Online Content with IP Intelligence
This paper explores how you can use IP intelligence to protect your assets,
while detailing key best practices that can turn risk into reward.

1. The Amazoning of news has now begun
2. Cyber security pros in high demand, highly paid, and highly selective
3. Nvidia drops Tegra revenue forecast as Windows RT woes loom
4. New security scheme tracks text spammers in hours

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WHITE PAPER: BlackBerry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Five answers to top BYOD Challenges
Mobility has revolutionized how we do business. Managing mobility and BYOD means
knowing how to navigate changing operating systems, changing platforms and
changing hardware to reap benefits like improved productivity, agility, growth
and better customer service. Here are five steps for choosing an MDM solution
for today -- and tomorrow.

The Amazoning of news has now begun
Jeff Bezos' purchase of the old-media Washington Post took everyone by surprise
this week. Expectations are high that after pioneering e-commerce at
and becoming a major force in digital content delivery with the Kindle tablet
and Amazon Prime streaming service, Bezos will now pull off a tech-oriented
reboot of the newspaper publishing industry.

Cyber security pros in high demand, highly paid, and highly selective
Experts in cyber security are among the most sought-after professionals in the
tech sector, with demand for workers in that field outpacing other IT jobs by a
wide margin. A new survey by Semper Secure, a public-private partnership in
Virginia formed to advance the cyber security profession, offers a fresh glimpse
at what security workers earn, what they look for in an employer, and where the
hubs of innovation are located.

Nvidia drops Tegra revenue forecast as Windows RT woes loom
Nvidia is expecting Tegra chip revenue to drop by as much as 40 percent this
year, with the company indirectly blaming Microsoft's Windows RT OS for the
decline. "We don't expect as much return from the investment as we had hoped,"
CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said on a Thursday conference call to discuss Nvidia's
second-quarter financial earnings. He said the expected shortfall was related to
one particular platform, and though he didn't name it, the reference to Windows
RT was clear.

New security scheme tracks text spammers in hours
A new way to track the source of spam text messages can detect culprits within
two hours, helping reduce the illicit traffic that can clog cell towers and
disconnect legitimate calls, researchers say. Called Greystar, the scheme
invokes the use of phone numbers assigned to laptops, tablets and the like,
which don't typically receive any SMS messages, according to the research to be
presented at the 22nd Usenix Security conference next week.


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