[JV] Epic Pips Gainer - Day 10 Update

Dear partners,

Our JV contest is closing soon in the next few days and I hope you've queued up the
swipes to keep the sales momentum.

We are following up with your leads to make sure your EPC is high
and your efforts wont be wasted. Thank you so much for promoting!;)

There are some big changes in the leaderboard and here's the
leaderboard so far:

1. cdforex = $700 in cash prize
2. fxmxg = $500
3. rozaaff= $300
4. interaire
5. wedirect22
6. elitebets  

(please contact us to receive the cash prizes when the launch is over)

As usual, keep promoting with the follow-up swipes and make some nice moolah;)


Thank you very much,
Talk soon,
Forex JV Opportunity on behalf of EpicPipsGainer


[you receive this newsletter because you have signed up for an
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regarding this product launch - so please don't feel annoying. you
can unsubscribe anytime. but we always want to do business with
you. ]

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