Daily iPhone App: ProCamera is a best of breed photo app for iPhone

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newsletter update August 23, 2013

Daily iPhone App: ProCamera is a best of breed photo app for iPhone
It takes some work for a photo app to stand out from the crowd, but I think ProCamera does just that. The US$4.99 app has assembled a very strong feature set that will give you the best chance of getting excellent photos out of your iPhone.

The ap…

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Phlo is a powerful internet search tool for iOS

Earlier this year, I took a look at Phlo for Mac and liked it. Phlo lets you conduct one search using multiple search engines. You could, for example, use Google, Bing, Amazon and Wikipedia with a click to change search engines. No retyping of search…

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Daily iPhone App: Notograph is a photography tool for your important notes

The iOS camera app is handy for taking photos of your memorable moments. It's also useful for grabbing snapshots of important notes, receipts or lunch break napkin scribbles. This usefulness is stymied when you hop into the camera roll and find you…

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Mac App of the Week: PicSketch turns a photograph into a sketch in just a few seconds

Recently, a friend asked me if there is any way to easily turn a photograph into a sketch, kind of like they do with journalists' pictures in The Wall Street Journal articles. At the time I told him no, but recently I've found a nice little OS X ap…

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Daily iPhone App: Habit List

I'm one of those people who, for as long as I can remember, has made a daily list of things I need to get done on a little Post-it note. I'll scribble "Write that review for TUAW," "Walk the dog" and "Go grocery shopping" over and over again as the…

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