Offer Extended: Data+ Conference Complimentary Registration

Computerworld's Data+ Conference
September 8-10, 2013
Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch
Scottsdale, Arizona

Attend the Data+ Conference and network with a stellar lineup of your senior IT and business executive peers from companies such as:
•    Facebook
•    Pandora
•    Toyota
•    United Airlines
•    NYU
•    American Express
•    Bank of America
•    Chick-fil-A
•    Choice Hotels International
•    Charles Schwab
•    Cigna
•    And many more.

Free registration offer ends July 12th. Register now and reference promo code "em"

Spend two days discussing with these colleagues:
•    Best practices to meet the growing data deluge with predictive and advanced analytics.
•    Ways to glean actionable insights from the avalanche of data, in order to zero in on customers and new and potentially lucrative markets.
•    Strategies to comb through multiple data sets, both structured and unstructured, to predict the future and to act on current business trends.
•    Ways to realize more effective data reporting and real-time enterprise data analytics.
•    Effective strategies for translating multiple data points into profitability and growth.

The Data+ Conference takes place September 8-10, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch, located just outside of Phoenix. For more information, and to register at our complimentary rate (a $1295.00 value), go to

Find the answers and real world examples of data analytics success at Computerworld's Data+ Conference, the event that has evolved from the former BI & Analytics Perspectives Conference. Meet and hear from top practitioners using predictive and advanced analytics.

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