Will Rippln Be Bigger than Amazon or Facebook? Webinar with Jonathan Budd starts in 60 min, room is open now


We are the World's first
incentivized sharing platform.

You've heard it but what does
that really mean? And how can
you explain our innovative concept
to others so they become a Ripplr too?
What is transparency?

What is your social graph?

You've got questions, we have answers.

Check out video 2 in our training series:

Imagine what it would have been like
to be a part of an incentivized
Amazon or Groupon...

What would it mean to be able to share
cool products and services and then be
PAID for your sharing?

How cool would that be?
Pretty darn cool if you as us.

And how would that change your life
for doing what you already do?
For many it would make all the difference

We are a product distribution platform.
We are NOT a product.

The Power is in our Platform and
those of us who use the platform.

This is where we make all the difference.

We're leading the way
and you are leading it with us.

Watch this video to understand
how our platform allows you
to share and be rewarded for
the value within your network.
Once you truly understand this
power that we each have, you
can't help but be excited.

Here's to YOUR power!

Watch the video and make
sure to share it with at least
5 people, right now!

See you today:

Saturday 11am pacific- 2 pm est- 7 pm uk time- 

private webinar with Jonathan Budd @
we look forward to see you live on Saturday everyone
Brian Michael

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