30 day challenge, day 2 is tonight...

You are probably aware that i am writing
you this email from beautifull Hungary where
it is 32 degrees daily and i am absolutely
loving life down here right now...
But i came down here to do a 30 day challenge
over 90 days which works out at 1 webinar every
3 days or so, here is the deal:
Over those 90 days you will learn everything you
need to know to make money online, we will have
many guest speakers every week who are just
now seeing real results in their online business
after joining one of our main prgrams we build...
Here is Day 1:
So If You Are Serious about finally be able to
kick your 9-5 and have the opportunity to learn
from people who are making 6-7 Figures Online
for free over the next 90 days, then attend our
2nd webinar this evening @ 3 pm est, 8 pm uk
time/ 9 pm Hungarian time :
once we finish we will package those 30 webinars
and sell them for as much as $1297 as it is
all our marketing techinques we use daily to build
our 6 figure income streams Online...
Free for you as a valued subscriber of w4e.
Do Not Miss It and we see you tonight...
Brian Michael

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