The 21 worst tech habits -- and how to break them

Online security: Your two-factor authorization checklist | Pivotal launched from VMware, EMC technologies

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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The 21 worst tech habits -- and how to break them
You bite your nails. Your house is a sty. You never signal before changing lanes, and when you finally reach your destination, you're 30 minutes late. We all have bad habits in real life. Why can't technology help cure them? While technology should help us break bad habits, all too often it makes things worse. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Mobiquity Inc.

Five Steps to Developing a Successful Mobile Strategy
Don't lose time and money with a "throw an app against a wall to see if sticks" approach to mobile. It won't work. You need a well-thought-out strategy to take full advantage of mobile. This white paper lays out the five important steps to a robust enterprise mobile strategy. Learn more.

WHITE PAPER: Falconstor Software

Cut Disaster Recovery Downtime & Costs.
Automate disaster recovery processes to minimize system maintenance costs and dramatically reduce your workload while preserving the integrity of your data. Automated DR technology from FalconStor lets you deliver complete service and system recovery in line with your business goals. Read More

Online security: Your two-factor authorization checklist
Twitter reportedly is getting ready to roll out two-factor authentication in the coming weeks -- a development that comes not a moment too soon as the company's current security efforts fall short. Read More

Pivotal launched from VMware, EMC technologies
Making good on a promise made in December, VMware and parent company EMC have launched a new company, called Pivotal, to offer an enterprise-ready data analysis PaaS (platform as a service) based on software from both companies. Read More

Apple confident about iPad Mini despite low margins
Six months after its launch, the iPad Mini is a drain on Apple's profits, but the company is willing to endure the financial strain as long as it can sell more iPads, analysts said. The low-priced iPad Mini was one of the reasons Apple reported a drop in profits for its second quarter of 2013 on Tuesday. Apple's profit was $9.5 billion, down from $11.6 billion from the same quarter last year, while revenue was $43.6 billion, up from $39.19 billion. Read More

Wireless networks may learn to live together by using energy pulses
Researchers at the University of Michigan have invented a way for different wireless networks crammed into the same space to say "excuse me" to one another. Read More

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