How Lenovo kept PC sales strong while everyone else tanked

American tech workers lose out in H-1B lottery | LinkedIn to buy Pulse, maker of mobile news reader app

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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How Lenovo kept PC sales strong while everyone else tanked
By now you've read the IDC report saying that worldwide PC shipments dipped 13.9 percent, year-on-year, in the first quarter of 2013. You may have also read Gartner's report saying that worldwide PC shipments dropped 11.2 percent in the first quarter. Both companies wail about how PC shipments have fallen off a cliff, in spite of their earlier predictions -- IDC had previously foretold a decline of 7.7 percent in the first quarter, and Gartner had cited a 7.6 percent decline for the year. I figure it's just another "oops, forget what we said last time" moment. Neither company has officially updated its crystal (or brass) balls, but I'm sticking to my prediction that PC sales (net of returns) in 2013 will be around 20 percent lower than in 2012. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Falconstor Software

RecoverTrac Demo: Failback in a Multi-server Environment
RecoverTrac technology orchestrates the failback and recovery of resources in a simplified, automated fashion. Watch how RecoverTrac enables failback from virtual resources at a disaster recovery site to physical servers, and from one set of hardware to another, restoring services at the data center.t Learn More


IDC Analysis: Secure, Compliant Collaboration in the Cloud
This white paper explores what tools and technologies are being adopted to facilitate Extended Enterprise Collaboration (such as cloud-based solutions) – as well as strategies for empowering business users while still holding sensitive information secure. Learn More.

American tech workers lose out in H-1B lottery
Some tech companies won the lottery this week -- not the virtual one creating overnight Bitcoin millionaires, but an actual lottery granting skilled-worker visas known as H-1Bs. However, if Congress answers the tech industry's calls to raise the numbers of visas, it could lead to a hemorrhaging of American tech jobs, opponents warn. Read More

LinkedIn to buy Pulse, maker of mobile news reader app
LinkedIn, the world's largest professional networking site, continues to beef up its content publishing platform with its agreement to acquire Pulse, which makes a mobile news aggregation, reader, and content distribution application. LinkedIn has been broadening its site's scope in recent years beyond its core feature of individual professional profiles, where people post career-related information and network with other members. Read More

InfoWorld poll: How you'll replace Windows XP
Microsoft is adamant it will stop support for Windows XP in May 2014, 12 years and nine months after its initial release. Despite its age, Windows XP remains the most used version of Windows today. Although XP will continue to run once Microsoft ends support, users won't receive security updates, and IT won't have Microsoft support for user systems. XP "downgrades" will no longer be available for new user PCs in the enterprise either. Read More

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