Chicago Update, catch the vision...

We had like 18 hour days here
incl masterminds and meetings...

I thought it would be all relaxed,
but being a leader means stepping
up my game and it was four days
non stop... so i do appologize that
i didnt have time to update all of you
who didnt make it here to chicage...

few updates:     

Catch The Vision:

We are going to do things different
starting next week...

We all had an awsome time so far,
talking and connecting with the top
producers in our Industry and having
a laugh, but...

We wanna introduce you to around
50 of our team members who made
it to this event, so you can hear direct
from them what it was like, sure...

You hear Tissa and Bear and Chris
and myself every week- because we love
what we do and would never change it
for anything else in the world...

But here we are- 50 people suddenly realised
what is possible- all of em are joining all in...


guess you will hear it very soon from them
in their own words, and you will feel them
speaking from the heart...

these next webinars wont be any sales pitches,
it will be opening your eyes and we do record
em in case you cant make it, but you do wanna
hear their story, trust me...

Everything just changed, till then, and stay tuned for
the catch the vision webinars coming in 1 week..

To The Top

Brian Michael

have a great weekend .                                                 

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