25 must-have technologies for SMBs

Microsoft previews Skype for Outlook.com | Google Now aims to take a bite out of Apple's Siri

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25 must-have technologies for SMBs
Running a small business isn't easy. I know. I run one. As a freelance writer, Ive learned that you need to run your writing career as if you were running a business. I spend more time on client relations, managing contractors, website optimization, social media promotions, product development, security monitoring, and on and on and on than I ever do on writing. Running a small business can be extremely stressful. But here are 25 must-have technologies that will help you make your SMB a success. Read More


Now Accepting Submissions - VMware Innovation Awards
Winners will be selected by a prestigious panel of judges and honored at VMworld on August 27th in San Francisco. VMware Innovation Awards Winner will receive: Your story featured in Computerworld, 2 conference passes to VMworld 2013, and more. Submit an entry for this prestigious award and showcase your innovative projects, visit: http://events.computerworld.com/VMwareNominationform2013CW

WHITE PAPER: QLogic Corporation

The Value of Shared SSDs in Enterprise Computing
With Mt. Rainier Accelerator technology, QLogic delivers a unique solution set that is optimized to address the growing performance gap between what today's processors can compute and what the storage I/O subsystem can deliver. Read Now!

Microsoft previews Skype for Outlook.com
Microsoft is rolling out a preview version of Skype for Outlook.com, allowing users to make calls and send instant messages from within the webmail service using a browser plug-in. The preview is available to U.K. customers users and is coming to the U.S. and Germany in the coming weeks with worldwide availability this summer, Skype said in a blog post. Read More

Google Now aims to take a bite out of Apple's Siri
Watch out, Siri. Apple's iPhones and iPads are getting a new talking assistant -- and it's not you! Google on Monday launched a version of Google Now for Apple's iPhone and iPad. Google moved its year-old predictive personal assistant to iOS as part of its update to its mobile search app. Read More

Apache servers ambushed by sophisticated backdoor attacks
Apache servers are being ambushed by a particularly pernicious malware program called Linux/Cdorked.A that's infecting visitors to the sick machines with the Blackhole malware kit. Discovered by security researchers at Sucuri and Eset, they describe the malware a a sophisticated and stealthy backdoor meant to drive traffic to malicious websites. Read More

Novell and NTP bust out secure mobile file sharing to ease BYOD worries
Novell and NTP today announced their own versions of file sharing services for mobile devices. Novell announced Filr and NTP unveiled Universal File Access.Both apps address file sharing in a similar way, by using an organization's existing filers and active directories for user identification and access rights. Read More

AMD-led consortium takes steps to break multicore programming barriers
Programming for multicore systems can be complex, so an industry consortium led by Advanced Micro Devices has taken a step ahead in its goal to eliminate development challenges so applications are portable across devices, architectures, and operating systems. The HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture) Foundation on Tuesday is expected to introduce a new uniform memory architecture called HUMA that makes different memory types in a system accessible to all processors. Read More

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