This was just posted, and it's one of the most POWERFUL and MOVING videos I've seen in a long time.
Watch it here:
See: it's not about making tens-of-thousands of dollars each month (even
though that's nice and we have a lot of people doing it), or having an event
where 95% of the room stands up when they're asked if they've made a
commission -
And it's not about having the biggest group of six and seven-figure earners I've ever seen from a group of people this "small".
Here's what it's about....
Its about THIS:
Once you've seen that, if you don't believe it can happen for you, and are not willing
to at least try to do it for you and your family - then it's time to ask "why not?"
This is real. People are transforming and creating new lives for themselves.
Don't just watch it happen - make it happen.
Are you going to meet us at the next event?
Are you following the 8-Core Steps?
Are you willing to do what is PROVEN to work and produce results?
If not, maybe it's because you've been waiting to see this:
-Brian Michael
"Humbled by what we've created together"
P.S. Tickets to Chicago are selling out by at least 200 tickets every day, and we ONLY have another 1,500 seats we can offer. Don't wait until the last minute and then wish you had made a decision sooner.
Wishing has never made anyone any money - ever. Only decisions.
Watch this:
And then decide you're going to do whatever it takes to create the life beyond your wildest dreams. Because it's possible, and it's all waiting for you on the other side of your decision to make it happen.
P.P.S. Feel free to swipe this email, or any of the emails you want from here, and send them out to your leads, lists and contacts. This priceless "swipe file" is yours, free: (just be sure, if you're an affiliate, to add YOUR affiliate ID to the end, which is "wealth2everyone". See below for an example of how:
?id=wealth2everyone- that has to be added in the end of the ink instead of my username..
now after you watched it you can get plugged into 5 systems
run by Tissa, Brian Bear, Chris Farcher and myself...
W4E coop system- step 2:
This is where we keep you posted in future, once you have joined i will
plug you into team tissa, APN, duplicastor and the New EN System
in march on launch week....
we also have daily support on Facebook via team tissa and the coop system
where we post daily updates, fact is that if you dont see the value provided
here and position yourself by monday- you will miss out . FACT !
This sunday i will be hosting a free trainings call explaining how all works
a-z, some asked me to do that as they cannot fully understand all about 16 rotator
positions and what is on offer, so if you want the best system out there to
leverage your online income potencial, be at 3 pm est, 8 pm uk or 12 pm pacific noon
here @,masterclass
and i show you how you can have a huge slice of the cake....
send people to my webinar tonight if you have joined and we do all the work :
Team W4E :
step 1 is required which is to enter your EN username so this system can create
your links... we will show u how to invite all your FB friends with 3 min to your
links and will email you the webinar schedule ahead of time so you can send
prospects aswell to those calls, see you tonight and create your links after joining EN
if you wanna participate...
stay tuned
Brian Michael
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Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom
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