Perl isn't going anywhere -- for better or worse

Oracle will continue to bundle 'crapware' with Java | Facebook updates developer policy after Vine scuffle

InfoWorld's Developer World

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Perl isn't going anywhere -- for better or worse
Perl isn't going anywhere. A massive number of tools and projects still make the most out of the language. But it's hard to see Perl regaining its former glory without a dramatic turnaround in the near term. Read More


Get Certified in Apache Hadoop. Learn with Cloudera!
Cloudera University is the world's leading provider of Apache Hadoop training and certification . Get job-specific training for Hadoop administrators and developers, as well as in-depth coverage of other Apache projects such as HBase, Hive and Pig. Check out the free online tutorials or sign up for a live training class near you, by visiting

WHITE PAPER: Good Technology

Empowering Users, Increasing Productivity
In this Deep Dive, we'll profile a number of forward-thinking companies and organizations that did just that, achieving success after embracing the concept of user empowerment through BYOB. Read Now!

Oracle will continue to bundle 'crapware' with Java
Oracle will not stop bundling what critics describe as "crapware" and "foistware" with its Java installer anytime soon, a company representative intimated, adding that Oracle didn't invent the practice. Read More

Facebook updates developer policy after Vine scuffle
Facebook has updated its policies for third-party application developers in a bid to explain why Twitter's new Vine video-sharing app is unable to access Facebook's friend-finder tool. Read More

After silence on Java flaws, Oracle now says it cares
A scant two weeks after the U.S. government told users to disable Java in their browsers (and Apple did so automatically for Mac users) because of serious security flaws, Oracle is now reaching out to developers and users. Read More

Why application development is better in the cloud
Faster development is just one advantage for a technology that should be front and center in your cloud strategy. Read More


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