You'll want to read this

I wanted to let a few of you know about this because I think you might still be enrolled in GVO (or 7mwo) or both or you might have an interest in re-joining when i tell you what is going on and I can document these results.  It's going very well.

I joined 7minuteworkout about 3 weeks ago because it is the perfect companion to EPX (which is also a great, easy to build biz opp), it has a $1 trial and is very easy to build  I knew it would respond well to advertising and it has.  It's growing fast, but this is what I wanted to tell you:

Someone asked if they could join the 7MWO co-op I am running to promote GVO and I let them because this is the same marketing that I used to enroll hundreds of people into GVO a couple of years ago.  As it turns out, he is getting as good of results with GVO as we are getting for 7MWO (which is also a gvo business).

So there is no reason for me to not build GVO since I can do it with the same effort it takes to build 7MWO.  

If you are not in either business and want some great, fast income growth with either business that works very well and can feed into any other business opp (for instance, it's a lot easier to enroll people into 7MWO for $1 than it is to compete with all the tens of thousands of people building Empower Network), but then you have someone who has paid to join and you and it is then your contact, let me know and I will send you the link to join and work with me on this.

If you are already a member of either business, you are still welcome to participate and benefit from the marketing I am running.  
Derek Bohlken
