Targeting Emotions in Your Texts
I want to change the way you think about sending text messages.
And the massive re-frame I want to instill in you is to switch your thinking from:
"What should I write?"
"What emotion do I want to create in her?"
What's interesting is that when you make this mental switch... it suddenly becomes much easier to
craft the perfect message.
This is because most guys have such trouble figuring out what to write a girl because they don't really
have an end goal in mind...
Every text you send should have some sort of goal.
And that goal should always be to ignite very specific emotions in the woman receiving the text.
We live in what I call an "Attention Deficit World"...
Every girl you're interacting with has hundreds of messages bombarding her every day (she has
Facebook messages, IM chats, texts, phone calls, Skype, Twitter, Plenty of Fish....)
You are competing for her very limited attention span...
If your message doesn't stir some sort of emotion in her... it's going to get lost in the shuffle...
(and so are you)
On the other hand, when you learn how to use texts to constantly trigger emotions in a woman she can
get "emotionally addicted" to you...
And when this happens you completely flip the switch and she starts CHASING YOU.
And I want to be clear right now that stirring emotions in a woman has NOTHING to do with using flowery,
descriptive stories...
Your aim is NOT to write emotional texts...
It's for her to have an emotional response to the texts you send.
So let's examine some different emotional responses...
- Laughter
- Suspense
- Anger
- Confusion
- Anticipation
- Joy
- Disappointment
- Trust
- Fear
You're probably looking at that list and thinking why in the world would I want to create anger or
And the answer is because your only goal is to snap her out of her boredom trance and get her thinking
about YOU.
And the bigger variety of emotions that you can produce her... the more time she spends thinking about
Let me ask you something....
What happens when someone angers you?
Chances are you spend the next hour playing over the situation in your mind, thinking about it, analyzing
That person, whoever made you angry, has found a way to capture your limited attention span...
I have a friend whose opening line in a bar is to repeatedly poke a woman in her back...
This usually pisses her off... And when she turns to face him she's extremely angry...
BUT he now has her FULL ATTENTION (something hard to get in bar or nightclub)
And he knows how to transition that anger into sexual attraction... (this is a skill you can learn)
And he is extremely successful with women.
Let's examine some other emotions and how to use them to capture a woman's attention..
How about "suspense"
If you text a girl "I just realized you totally remind me of..."
And then DO NOT finish the sentence or text her back when she asks "who?"...
She will be in SUSPENSE for the next hour wondering who she reminds you of.
Its human nature. It's how television shows get us to sit through commercials...
How about laughter?
Who doesn't like to laugh?
Instead of simply saying, "What you doing later?"
(Logical and boring)
Prelude it with a humorous anecdote:
"I think the world is coming to an end. I just saw an old man roller blading with nothing but tube socks
and a fanny pack. So what you doing later?"
By triggering the emotional response of laughter, she'll be much more open to your suggestion to hang
out later...
Every text exchange should elicit some sort of emotion in her...
While you're still learning this its handy to take a look at this "emotion wheel".
And try to make sure that you're hitting a wide variety of emotions during your various text exchanges.
==> It's all laid out in this video.
Make it happen!
P.S. Becaue you have time to think things through,
texting can be one of your most deadly tools in
controlling a woman's attraction towards you.
==>Watch this video to learn the 3 Texts to Attraction
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