Don't turn your back on HTML5

Ubuntu Linux search fix leaves prime critic unsatisfied | 'No free lunch' for businesses with Office on Windows RT

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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Don't turn your back on HTML5
Growing pains notwithstanding, developers should stick by HTML5 and recognize the past few years of hype for what it has been: unrealistic expectations. Or at least that is what a prominent technologist relayed at this week's HTML5 Developer Conference in the face of recent HTML5 tribulations, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's negative remarks about HTML5 in explaining his company's move away from HTML5 for its iOS client. Read More


Google Apps for Business
Do more for less with your team using Google Apps. Custom web-based email, calendars, and documents to easily share & work together in the cloud. Start with a free 30-day trial!

WHITE PAPER: Condusiv Technologies (formerly Diskeeper Corporation)

Optimize Your Storage Volume for Better Performance
Managing a windows network? This brief discusses 5 technical proof-points clearly showing how the Windows Built-in Disk Defragmenter is not adequate for the enterprise. New innovations in Diskeeper® and V-locity® meet today's demands for optimal storage and system performance. Read Now!

Ubuntu Linux search fix leaves prime critic unsatisfied
In releasing updates to its client and server Ubuntu Linux distributions today, Canonical will enable users to turn off a search option in its client product that has raised some eyebrows over privacy issues. A whistleblower, however, remains unimpressed with Canonical's handling of the situation. Read More

'No free lunch' for businesses with Office on Windows RT
Microsoft confirmed Wednesday that owners of Windows RT hardware, including the company's own Surface RT, must acquire a commercial license for Office 2013 to use those devices' bundled Office apps at and for work. The requirement isn't new, analysts said, and is consistent with current Microsoft policies related to Office versions designed for consumers. Read More

Windows 8 tablets in the enterprise: Pros and cons
In the two and a half years since the release of the first-generation iPad, tablets of various shapes and sizes have sparked a revolution among consumers, who are now no longer afraid to take their touch-enabled tablets to work. And while Windows 8 's bigger tablet sizes, access to the full Office suite, more controlled security features, and compatibility with legacy apps may conquer some of the previous tablet limitations, but it also comes with some drawbacks. Read More

VMware extends support for ESX hypervisor in OpenStack
Continuing its commitment to the OpenStack project and its newfound vision to support multiple types of cloud platforms, VMware announced support for its ESX hypervisor in OpenStack Wednesday. Read More

AOL launches Alto cloud service to aggregate Gmail and others
AOL offered a limited preview Thursday of a new cloud-based email service that sorts content automatically to help combat "inbox fatigue" and doesn't force users to get a new address. Getting users to change email provider is no mean feat, but AOL is hoping to do that with its Alto by making it easier for them to keep track of all their emails. Alto uses something called stacks to do that. Read More

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