Webinar tonight and How a millionaire marketer 'thinks'... open please

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Live Trainings Webinar tonight @ 1 pm est, 10 am pacific or 6 pm
in the uk here @


or live on facebook here:


Few updates:

we made a deal with a woman who is an expert in her field
which is facebook ppc marketing to run our ads and account
on fb for us which i believe is a huge win for us, this woman
did changes like night and day for other companies and we
as the coop group will invest 5k per month on fb ppc ads,
starting within 2 weeks from today... more traffic in future.

I just got this email from Matt - a young marketer who cracked his first million just 2
weeks ago. A lot of us when starting out online wonder how those with success 'think'
differently... what goes through their mind. What motivates them? Well there' a few
useful insights in this email you might appreciate...



So as you may or may not know- I'm currently in San Diego, at the Hilton, where
I'll be hosting a 200 person event (Add The Nitrous) this coming weekend.

It's 11pm here. I just called my dad back in Australia (where it's mid day) for his birthday.

My parents are farmers... and, I grew up on a farm, where the local town had about 25
people in it. (I'm being 100% serious about that - it's right out in what you would call
'the outback').

Times are tough... most of the farms are losing money.

When I grew up there, all I ever heard was how "we had no money" and about how hard
the stuff was to make...

Which I guess is one of the reasons I'm so very serious about wealth creation, and building
my online business today.

Last night... I was hosting a webinar - and someone asked me, "what's it like to wake up
and be making over 174K a month - how do you feel about that??"

I had to stop and think about it for a second... the question caught me off guard.

After a long pause, I told him, "I feel greatful."

I feel very greatful, because my life right now, at 25 years old, could have turned out VERY differently.

I could have stayed on that small farm I grew up on, and right now I'd be making less than maybe
2k a month...

I could have finished my university degree back in 2009 (instead of dropping out to work on my online
business) and right about now, I'd be some corporate slave.

And yet here I am- as I type this to you, sitting in the 'penthouse' suite at the Hilton (which they are
paying the bill for the next 10 days - sweet!) and I'm just very greatful.

I could not have done this without YOU.

My clients. My partners.

Whether you've ever bought anything from me or not... I appreciate you.

I appreciate that fact that you read these emails.

And I have a lot of respect you for being an entrepreneur (even if many others in this world don't).

Never forget, the world needs more people like us... we are the ones that keep the economy going, and
allow society to progress and innovate.

So don't ever have an ounce of guilt for what you do, or how much time and money you've invested into

You haven't made those big checks yet?

Don't worry about it. Your time will come when you're ready.

For me... it took a lot longer than I wanted.

But it came.

And it will come for you too. Just have faith, work hard, and seek your advice from those who are
qualified to give it.

IF you think I'm qualified to teach you about building a scalable online business's... then you owe
it to yourself to pick up a copy of 'The IM Revolution Handbook.'

It will show you everything I've done to put my online business together from scratch, to where it now
pays for me to fly around the world, and live life on my terms.

Get it here: 


i am good friends with Matt and his ways of building businesses online 
really impressed me so much that i bought his entire business model last
week and will share some of his best training soon, it is so detailed, so
well thought out, is some of the best step by step courses i have ever seen...       

Talk soon, 

Brian & Dora
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earners


Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

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