We are Live now, hope you can attend?

"Are you okay with 40 years of hard labor to help your boss be rich?"

"Are you okay with five days of every week being taken from you?"

"Are you okay with waking up early to work hard for someone else?"

"Are you okay with taking orders from someone else for 40 years?"

"Are you okay with someone else telling you how much money you can earn?"

"Are you okay with only a few weeks holiday every year?"

"Are you okay with giving up your freedom to do work that you don't enjoy?"

"Are you okay with working in a job that you have no passion for?"

"Are you okay with giving up your dreams to work on your boss' dreams?"

"Are you okay with begging someone else for a raise?"

"Are you okay with only limited time to travel?"


Just wondering if you really are ok with that, i have been there myself,

just few years ago actually and i wasn`t ok wit that, so i took action,

sure it took me 3-4 years but now we are both retired, going on 5 holidays

for 3-4 weeks at the time, house paid, 2 cars paid, enough money in

the bank to survive 7-10 years even if i would quit everything today ...


Live webinar will show you how i made it in few years and so can you :




Unless you are ok with all the conditions listed above ...


2 pm est, 11 am pacific, 7 pm in the UK , be there...




we have a contest for the best video review in august 2012 for the coop,
first place $500 , 2nd @ $ 300 and 3rd @ $ 200 ... submitt it here @


or inside your co-op system backoffice under the VIP tab...

breaking records with the first fully automated system out there...




I hope to see you thursday...



second: wow, i'm impressed...

want a bigger audience? [powerful new video]


Jonathan Budd just released video 2
 of the Futuristic Marketing series, &
 it's one of the most valuable free videos
 I've ever seen.


You gotta see this...




Jonathan's going to show you EXACTLY
 how to build an audience from facebook
  that could easily equate to millions of dollars.

I'm not kidding. He goes into the ENTIRE
 strategy, & shows you everything right here.


I wanted to make sure you got your
 chance to complete this powerful
  personal assessment before it disapears
 from the market place.


Check it out...




Yesterday we found & corrected a little

bug that was preventing people using
Internet Explorer to complete the assessment.


However, we've now got it fixed & you can now
  get your personalized marketing score in just

If you just got busy & didn't get a chance to
 take the quiz yet... trust me... you need to do
 it NOW.


There is nothing as powerful as SELF knowledge
  about your skills, as the development of your skills
 directly correlates to the development of your WEALTH.

Most people don't know how good they are as a marketer,
 how they rate in traffic, conversions, or other important
  areas.  Yet this quiz will tell you ALL of that in under
 3-minutes.  It's really important information.


Brian & Dora
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earners

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
