The Commodity Code Launch Update [Affiliate News]

Hey partner,

We are in the final stretch! 2 more days and the doors will be opened to let in thousands of people that will make you a ton of moolah :)

Im really glad how things worked out so far and you are going to be WELL rewarded.. just keep pushing on the final stretch!

grab the swipe for today at

Tomorrow we open the phonelines to let people purchase usd 10,000 licenses..

It`s for the ones that really don`t want to risk being left without a copy plus it serves as a nice test for our phonecall team..

IMPORTANT: You will not lose your cookie! The whole affiliate system is vendor based and if the phonecaller was referred by you , you WILL see your commission..

I'm crossing my fingers that you can sell a 10k one.. if not tons of 2k ones are waiting so no worries :)

Just the best!



Two affiliates were talking at Affiliate Summit. "Guess what," says the first affiliate, "I met this gorgeous blonde at the last Affiliate Summit from one of the networks."

"What did you do?" says the other affiliate.

"Well, I invited her over to my place, we had a couple of drinks, we got into the mood and then she suddenly asked me to take all her clothes off!"

"You're kidding me!" says the second affiliate.

"Nope." says affiliate one. "I took her miniskirt off, and then I lifted her up and put her on my desk, next to my new laptop."

"Really?" asked the affiliate. "You got a new laptop????????????"

ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

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