U.S. companies still not being honest about cyber attacks

Download the InfoWorld Authentication and Authorization Deep Dive report | AT&T works on expanding Toggle BYOD service to PCs, Macs

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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U.S. companies still not being honest about cyber attacks
Reuters reported yesterday that scores of U.S. companies who've been hit by cyber attacks keep it a secret, whether in the name of staving off a PR crisis or because they didn't think a particular attack was worth mentioning. The news isn't too big a surprise: Reuters pretty much reported the same phenomenon back in February. It's disappointing, though, because we'll never get around to fighting cyber crime and cyber terrorism in a meaningful way until we acknowledge the scope of the issue. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Condusiv Technologies (formerly Diskeeper Corporation)

Optimize Your Storage Volume for Better Performance
Managing a windows network? This brief discusses 5 technical proof-points clearly showing how the Windows Built-in Disk Defragmenter is not adequate for the enterprise. New innovations in Diskeeper® and V-locity® meet today's demands for optimal storage and system performance. Read Now!


Final Week to Register!
IT Roadmap only comes to Denver once a year so don't miss this opportunity to join hundreds of local colleagues who will gain a year's worth of enterprise-ready ideas, answers, best practices, and key contacts all in one day – in one place. Attend Free. IT Roadmap Denver – 6/20 - Colorado Convention Center.

Download the InfoWorld Authentication and Authorization Deep Dive report
The Internet works because of trust and access control. Trust that the person poking you on Facebook is really a friend. Trust that the bank that issued your credit card will let only you or authorized employees view your account. Even the anonymous parts of the Internet can't exist without security controls that enable people to determine who has access and what they can do. Without access controls, anyone can destroy the trust value of any website -- and bring it down. Read More

AT&T works on expanding Toggle BYOD service to PCs, Macs
AT&T plans to extend its dual-personality software for mobile devices, called Toggle, to provide a walled-off and encrypted work environment within PCs and Macs as well as mobile devices. Read More

Nokia plans to cut 10,000 staff by end 2013, sells Vertu
Nokia said Thursday that it plans to cut up to 10,000 positions globally by the end of 2013, and is selling luxury phone maker Vertu in a bid to cut costs, even as it plans to boost investments in feature phones, and smartphones based on the Windows Phone operating system. Read More

Twitter brings more media content into tweets
Twitter announced partnerships with several media outlets on Wednesday that will allow users to see a preview of the website being linked to in their Twitter feed. "When you expand Tweets containing links to partner websites, you can now see content previews, view images, play videos, and more," Twitter said in a blog post. Read More

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