Daily iPhone App: Spellsword is a tiny bite of RPG action

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newsletter update May 04, 2012

Daily iPhone App: Spellsword is a tiny bite of RPG action

The iPhone's always been a great device for small flavorful bites of gameplay -- Canabalt's one-button jumping game probably set the course for this early on, but recently there's been a bevy of titles like these. Super Crate Box, Hookshot Escap…

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Daily iPhone App: Sketch Nation Studio opens up game dev on the App Store

Sketch Nation Studio started out as Sketch Nation Shooter last year, a "game" on the App Store that actually let you make your own shooter game by using scanned-in pictures and a few scripted sets of rules. As creator Nitzan Wilnai told me at GD…

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Daily iPad App: Mactracker

We featured Mactracker as a Daily Mac App in 2011, and an iPhone version of the app has been around for a few years (with comparatively more sporadic updates). Mactracker is essentially the history of Apple hardware all in one app, or at least App…

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Daily iPhone App: Bitter Sam drops down into the depths

Bitter Sam is an interesting title, not necessarily because of its mechanics (it's basically a tilting avoidance title), but just because it's so unapologetically quirky. You play as a little kid named Sam, who swings back and forth on a rope as h… read more
Daily iPad App: deck

The iPad's built-in iPod app used to be my favorite way to interact with music on any device. It struck a good compromise between the heavy, sidebar-driven UI of iTunes on the Mac and the simple text-only music browsing on the iPhone. Then iOS 5 ca…

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