Zcode Launches In 13 days. Are You Ready?

13 days to go... and Zcodes prelaunch phase will go live and that means tons of cash, especially for our affiliates with large lists..

Well this mail is for you,.. As you may remember we gave you already some advice on how to build a list, and believe me..

It`s not too late to get going!

To recap:



and use the video materials... repost them on various videoportals with a link to your opt-in page and start to gather people..

However todays marketing hint is: SIGNATURES (underestimated!)

Step 1: Identify the biggest gambling and investment forums online (I won`t spoil the fun for you here since this letter goes out to more than 5000 people so we don`t want everyone to jump on the same train)... and make a profile..

Now key here is.. do NOT SPAM YOUR URL!

contribute in the discussions and post as much as you can while creating a good signature for your profile that will be displayed with every message you post!


Still gambling? I`m using Zcode that destroys handicappers and makes cash everyday. Click here to investigate!

Or: (funny one)

You are ugly. So am I, but im also getting filthy rich through Zcode so i couldn't care less.. Find out why Zcode beats every handicappers pick and makes hundreds of people thousands of dollars.. daily..


Proven since 1999 without a losing month ever. Don`t gamble, INVEST! Find out how.


I think you got the idea.. be creative so you can pull alot of clicks to you opt in page!

on April 13th we start the prelaunch sequence.. just follow our advice then and you will ROCK! :)

Hope this little intermezzo mail helped you to finally take action and start making some money. Or get you in the mood for it!

Remember every sale will feed you for an average of 6 months or more.. so every client is worth a ton of money to you!.

remember the affiliate url is:


and my personal skype is: steve25m

i'm always here to help (albeit busy as hell as you probably can imagine)

but never to busy to help a fellow partner in crime.. ;)

Take care and I will let you know more marketing ways soon!

Just the best,


Zcode forever.

ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
