Looks like we are good to go on Sunday.
In 4 days from now you will have the
opportunity to work with us in a new
automated system which has up to 22
income streams inside and advertises
on your behalf, hands free if you choose
to join our co-op.
We have done our testing and are happy
with the results so far, for those members
who joined our co-op in GVO, you will still
get traffic to your links regardless if you join
this new system or not, but i recommend you
take a good look at our new launch on sunday.
Just a quick side note:
We selected a co-op system for 3 reasons...
1. Our members and subscribers will be getting
traffic 24/7 and having prospects enter their site
and joining under them and finally be able to make
residual income in 2012.
2. We have already qualified on every income opportunity
on the highest levels possible and we want to share our success
with everyone who made it happen for us to be where we are now.
We are not greedy or selfish, we wanna help you make an income
working from home :
more testimonials:
We want you to make money online next and by us doing 90% of the
work on your behalf we are pretty sure we all can celebrate at the end
of this year if we all work together as a team.
3. We get cheaper advertising and free word of mouth advertising and a
much better community if everyone is making money and sharing their
future fortunes with others ...
dont you agree?
There's something I need to get off my chest.
I'm SICK AND TIRED of fake hacked up websites claiming
you'll make
MILLIONS overnight with their magic solutions.
I'm sick of "get rich quick" scams and "push-button"
I'm sick of fake income claims and bogus "secret software."
Aren't you sick of this junk too?
It's so refreshing to see our system will be helping others
starting this week sunday march 18th, 2012 at 2 pm est,
7 pm uk, 11 am central...
We will show you a REAL PATH to making money online.
Those of you who know me and trust me can verify that we are
the real deal online and i look forward to working with you in
2012/2013 and building huge teams and big paychecks...
Helping Others To Succeed
Brian & Dora
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earners
Internets Most Wanted JV Partners for 4 Years.
Have you seen my 6 Steps to 6 Figure course yet?
click the link above... it changed my life.
P.S. And yes, this is my affiliate link above,
but even though I'm being compensated to tell
you about this I wouldn't tell you under any
circumstances if I didn't believe in it.
Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091
looking forward as always...
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