Hey future BIG BUCKS Affiliate !
I Hope you are as excited as we are about Z-Codes upcoming launch! We are sorry we had to delay the prelaunch till April 13th but since we are perfectionists and only hold dear our mutual interest (aka make money while making the customer happy..) we had no other choice.
The good news is we just got Approved by Clickbank so you can get your new clickbank link here:
However the added time might be beneficial because you can start by building your Z-code hungry audience already! Obviously following our prelaunch schedule will make you a ton of money but you can already work in your wallets favour by doing a few extra things..
Marketing Hint: Posting videos!
This is probably one of my favourite... and very effective for people who don`t own huge lists.. On our affiliate page
we offer a lot of video materials.. use them feel free to post them (especially the sneak peek of whats inside the members area)
along with an url to your OPT IN page!
So people watch the video... follow the url and opt in for an additional bonus you can offer (such as support on Z-Code once it launches, or analytical statistics.. or some testimonial feedback youc an copy from oru affiliate page, like the very powerful statement of the blind guy that uses Z-code to great effect!)
SO to summarize..
Post the videos (not only in youtube, there are many other video portals such as myvideo or clipfish for example... and link them to your opt in page...
Promise them something valuable for signing up to your waiting list ... and start recruiting E-mail contacts...
Remember 1 sale of Zcode might go a long way of making you $ 1509 usd per year!
We had one guy that never did any affiliate marketing before , and with that method scored 7 sales spontaneously during our inner testing that lasted 3 days (yes it was private and internal but he kept asking to try and we gave him a link )
but those 7 sales make him now over $740 every month .. no refund in sight yet! Pretty incredible isn`t it?
Hes pretty pumped now and can`t wait for the launch... seems we showed someone a new way of life :)
That`s all for today
I plan on writing more about guerrilla marketing tactics so stick with us and most importantly get to work as the early bird catches the worm :)
Just the best!
Steve, Mike & Terra
Ps: great day for zcoders yesterday again! Raked in some good buckies :) March turns out to be extremely profitable!
ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria
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