This is the Life i have choosen - Chapter 2

I just had to tell you about NCD and the
new Blognetwork inside That Free Thing
yesterday as i believe 100 % in those two
companies, now that this is out of the way
lets continue with that story i was telling you.

Last time i told you how great life is in 2012
for Dora and myself but it wasn`t always great.

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I love working from home, never having to wake
up early and planning my day the way i want
it and not based on rules and other commitments.
The funny thing is that i kinda stumbled into all
of those things and if it wasn`t for that accident
i had in 2007 i probably never would have changed
the direction of my life and would be working for
a company for the next 30-40 years as i am only 33.
So i am thankfull that i stumbled into internet marketing,
i am thankfull that i am the stuborn kind of person
who never gives up, and i am thankfull to where it
has taken me in my last 4 years... early Retirement.
I actually braved the cold -3 degrees outside this am
and went for a 5 mile jog, around 7 km which i like
to do 3x per week, Dora on the other hand loves doing
her cardio and works out 5 x in a local gym where she
does 2-3 hour sessions, not sure if you knew but she
is also retired since 5 months now from her job.
She used to loved working as a fine dining chef in top places.
Not anymore though as people don`t appreciate the work
and hours she used to put in, no thank you, nothing...
after working out we drove to our local market to buy
fresh ingredients for our sunday roast dinner with all the
extras... There goes my workout for nothing . Lol.
we both just had a 2 hour nap and start cooking in a few min,
so i thought i come up here and share it with you nice folks.
Hope you all having a great Sunday so far?
i also wanted to share with you my last Amazon webinar as
we have 3-5 new openings available again,
watch this recorded version here:
as i said, there are only 5 spots maximum available and
since december 24th 2011, so in 6 weeks- i actually sold
now 107 books on amazon on fully autopilot, the company
does all the marketing and sends me now $ 470 into my
bank account monthly , this is a set it up once system and
cash in for life .
If you do anything today, watch the above webinar and
hit the reply button to be included for my private 1 on 1
training which will cost $ 450 one time and as i just told
you that i made that income within 6 weeks but it will continue
to cash in 400-500 bucks each month from now on for
the next 100 years , no joke...
New Marketing system February 29th 2012:
So back to my system, remember i told you few days
ago that i started online by joining a similar system 4
years ago which made me some small commissions
on a regular basis and i build it up from there to a nice
6 Figure Income Online within 4 years...
Anyone can do this, i am no expert by all means, i just
followed 6 simple steps and repeated them week in and out.
Those steps can be found here:
also make sure to sign up to my Live Facebook webinars
in future where i teach you some of the best ways to make
money online and share stuff like the amazing amazon strategie...
Facebook Webinars here:
i will do probably 3-5 webinars a week in future after my new
marketing system hits the internet on February 29th 2012...
To cut a long story short, i want you to think about something for
a few minutes. It took me 4 years online to create a 6 Figure Income.
What is the definition of Insanity ???  read this again.
If you ask me, it is doing the same thing over and over for 20-40 years
wouldn`t you agree with that ???
read this again please and let it sink in, i have this actually written down
on a piece of paper here in my office in front of me and it still hits me everytime.
Why would anyone do that with the power of the Internet nowadays???
Do you really love your job? why do something you don`t actually like doing?
tune in tuesday for my next chapter, i wish you a great start to the week monday.

Helping Others To Succeed

Brian & Dora
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earners
Internets Most Wanted JV Partners for 4 Years.
Have you seen my 6 Steps to 6 Figure course yet?
click the link above... it changed my life.
P.S. And yes, this is my affiliate link above,
but even though I'm being compensated to tell
you about this I wouldn't tell you under any
circumstances if I didn't believe in it.
Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091
looking forward as always...



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