W4E Newsletter January 9th 2012, Important Update...

Welcome to Wealth4Everyone.

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My name is Brian Michael and i will be your Mentor in 2012.

As promised, we will have weekly webinars from now on and
i would like to invite you to my first masterclass on tuesday,
January 10th @ 1pm EST or 6pm in the UK...

These special presentations won`t be recorded in future as i
do not wanna share them Online for everyone to see, it will
show you some of the best and easiest ways to make money

Click the below link on January 10th @ 1pm EST or 6pm in the UK...


to attend my weekly masterclass in future...

Looking forward to getting to know you better and i hope you can make it.

One thing i can promise you right now...

It will be the start to a new You and a better life...

I remember my first webinar as if it was yesterday.

Here's what that did to me, and you'll
find the same thing happen to you the
first time you attend...

It made the idea of success real.

These people I saw online all over the
place are now very real.

Not better than me, just slightly ahead
of the curve on me.

If not for that webinar and these
experiences at that webinar, my belief
that I could do it myself would never
have developed.

Now, on the second day I was having the
time of my life.

Every single presenter was dropping
marketing knowledge atomic bombs.

I'm sitting in the front row with Matt
in the VIP section (because he's a VIP)
and ...

I couldn't take notes fast enough.

I'm having the time of my life.

Then it happened.

A guy a little shorter than me from
Texas that spoke kinda funny gets up on
stage and starts talking.

My ears perk up like I dog trying to
hear something it can't see.

To this day ...

I still have the NOTES I took that day
from that presentation on my desk right
here beside me.

Of course, they're old and some of the
pages are torn, but man ohh man are
those notes a gold mine.

This guy who calls himself "The King Of
Let'em Come to You!"

He starts his presentation off by
explaining that he'd been a direct
response marketer for many years, and

Just 19 months ago he started a brand
new information marketing business from
scratch with ...

Literally no money invested, no
customers, no lists, no joint venture
partners, no merchant account, no
nothin, and in that time he developed
that simple idea into a million dollar

I can remember vividly thinking to
myself ...

"How awesome. What freedom he must feel
to command such a power. What leverage.
19 months to $1 Million per year. Wow."

(Sidenote: I've since beaten that record
in my last 4 years, sure it took me longer
then him but i did it... :-)

Naturally, I paid very close attention
to everything he said, and it didn't
hurt that he started saying things that
make a LOT of sense to me like ...

"I'm in the business of getting and
keeping money."

Then he shared that everything that he
did to create that level of success in
his business was preplanned before he
ever sent a single email.

Next, he laid out a timeline that showed
exactly where he started and brought us
up to current.

May 23rd, - First email sent

June 10th, - First check $700.36

June 28th,  - Second check $2,421.19

January 2011 - $87,945.28 in sales

Then he went on to show us exactly how
he had created his ...

"Highly profitable, extremely
predictable, completely stable,
ulitimate lifestyle business."

I bet your wondering what he shared ...

I'll give you a hint:

It had everything to do with what I'm
doing right now with you.

He had me hook line and sinker.

That presentation flat out changed my

He offered a full day consultation at
the end of his presentation for $10,000.

I'm so glad I had the courage to say

That day at the La Quinta in Austin,
spending time with someone FAR superior
to me at what I wanted to and would
eventually master ...

"The Fine Art of Money Getting."

Cost me $10,000 but has made me

He got the cheap end of the stick (even
though I go back this year and do
it again.)

Paying for education has bought me a new
and better life.

It's bought me freedom.

Freedom has brought me happiness, now

I won`t charge you a penny for my marketing strategies...

I expect you to attend though if you wanna make it Online:

Click the below link on January 10th @ 1pm EST or 6pm in the UK...


To The Top in 2012...

Helping Others To Succeed

Brian Michael
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earner

Have you seen my 6 Steps to 6 Figure course yet?
click the link above... it changed my life.

P.S. And yes, this is my affiliate link above,
but even though I'm being compensated to tell
you about this I wouldn't tell you under any
circumstances if I didn't believe in it.

Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091
looking forward as always...

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
