Skiller Shows How To Make 400% Profits on Runescape

I know - this tip is not about merchanting on Runecape, well, kind of.
I put it on Facebook so it might be easier for you to find later,
or share with your buddies:
Also - another one of our forum members wanted a really simple way to start into merchanting without risking any of the gp he had in his bank.  He dared us to start an account with TWO gold pieces and actually become successful in merchanting.
We took up that challenge - and proved it could be done in less than ONE hours time!
The video is under production and will be available everywhere!
Watch for the email about the video!
To Your Success!
and the Team at
Lumbridgecity, P.O. Box 1884, Atikokan, ON P0T 1C0, CANADA

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