Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week
by Ellis Hamburger on Jan 21, 2012, 2:39 PM
After a little hiatus due to the Consumer Electronics Show last week, we're back with our favorite apps that you may've missed this week. We have an app to help you hunt down Girl Scout Cookies, an app to help you make cool animations (at right), and an app to help you follow all the best election coverage. We even have Soul Calibur for iOS, one of the best fighting games ever made from ten years ago. COMA = Cost Of Meeting App The Cost Of Meeting app is the perfect way to show your boss and coworker that they're wasting time. Pop open the app, plug-in how much you're paying the consultants sitting next to you, and watch the money burn away. Then show your boss. Price: free
OptumizeMe proves that social "badges" can actually accomplish something. Earning Foursquare badges doesn't win you any real world results, but when you earn a badge in OptumizeMe, you'll have something to show for it. OptumizeMe makes working out social, challenging you to compete with friends using unique fitness challenges. The app comes with built-in challenges you can take on, or you can make up your own. Price: free
Kinotopic creates awesome GIFs animations. Check out the GIF below, and you'll understand what Kinotopic does. You select a part of a video you take that you want to stay moving, while the rest stays still. Price: $1.99
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