Instant Alert: Yes The Spec Is Dead, But There's Only One Reason Why We Ever Cared Anyway

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December 18, 2011
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Yes The Spec Is Dead, But There's Only One Reason Why We Ever Cared Anyway

by Matt Rosoff on Dec 18, 2011, 1:56 PM


There seems to be a growing consensus among reviewers of tech products: computer specs -- processor, memory, display resolution -- don't really matter anymore.

Instead, people buy new products based on the user experience, which is defined by software and online services.

MG Siegler declared the death of the spec last month on TechCrunch, and Josh Topolsky of The Verge eventually came to the same conclusion.

They're right.

But it's worth remembering the only reason why specs ever mattered to consumers in the first place. The obsession with specs was the byproduct of a market that had been totally distorted by monopoly competition. (That is, no competition at all.)

Think back to 2001 when Windows XP came out. How many personal computers did you own? (Let's define a personal computer as a device that performs multiple functions, runs third-party applications, and connects to the Internet -- no embedded systems like the computers that run your car.)

If you were a normal person -- not a programmer or IT worker or big tech enthusiast -- you probably owned one. If you traveled a lot for work a lot, maybe you had two, a desktop and a laptop. Maybe also a work computer.

Those computers probably ran Windows. As 95%+ of all computers sold did back then.

The user experience on all of those computers was basically the same. Same interface, same programs, same online experiences. The only way computer manufacturers could differentiate -- the only selling tools they had -- were specs and price.

Hence, all those weekly circulars and in-store displays and CNET reviews had nothing else to talk about. Except when Microsoft released a major new update to Windows, as it did every five years or so.

A lot of Mac fans hated this because their computers never seemed to stack up as well -- they looked underpowered and overpriced when compared against the horde of PC makers who were all engaged in a race to pack in more and better components at lower prices every year.

(Meanwhile a lot of those PC makers came and went -- Compaq merged into HP, Gateway almost disappeared, IBM sold its PC business to Lenovo, and so on -- while Microsoft kept growing year after year and reaping 70%+ profit margins on Windows, and Apple smartly diversified.)

So how many personal computers do you own today?

In 2001, your phone was just a phone. Now it's a personal computer -- it performs multiple functions, runs third-party apps, and connects to the Internet. Chances are it doesn't run Windows.

Your game console was probably a single-purpose device with no Internet connection. Now you can use it to watch TV shows and movies, listen to music, and chat with your friends online. It's a personal computer. It doesn't run Windows (although the Xbox has Windows at its core).

The Kindle and iPad didn't exist until a few years ago. Now there are tens of millions of them out there. They're personal computers, too. They don't run Windows.

Your TV might even be a personal computer. Same with your MP3 player or handheld game device -- at least when you're within Wi-Fi range. They don't run Windows.

The death of the Windows monopoly means we have real choices again.

Which means we no longer have to concern ourselves with reading about gigahertz, RAM, or megapixels. Instead, we can look at which product is easiest to use, gets the job done most efficiently, and makes us feel good.

That's a bummer for Microsoft and product reviewers, who have to work a lot harder now and try to capture these intangibles in a way that potential buyers can understand.

But it's great for everybody else.

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