Instant Alert: That New "Lost iPhone" Story Was A Bunch Of BS, Say San Francisco Police

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September 01, 2011
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That New "Lost iPhone" Story Was A Bunch Of BS, Say San Francisco Police

by Henry Blodget on Sep 1, 2011, 10:02 PM


Well, it sounded fishy, and it seems that it was.

A couple of days ago, CNET reported that the San Francisco police had teamed up with Apple to investigate another lost iPhone prototype. CNET said police investigators had traced the phone to the house of a man in Bernal Heights and that he had denied knowing anything about it.

Well, SF Weekly's Peter Jamison called the police, and the police said they had no record of any such investigation.

What's more, the police spokesman says he told CNET that there was no record of any such investigation.

So CNET's "source familiar with the investigation" must be seriously in the know!

SEE ALSO: Another Report Of A Lost iPhone--And It Sounds Like A Bunch Of Crap

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