Instant Alert: Samsung Sells 10 Million Galaxy S II Phones, But That's Hardly A Threat To The iPhone

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September 25, 2011
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Samsung Sells 10 Million Galaxy S II Phones, But That's Hardly A Threat To The iPhone

by Steve Kovach on Sep 25, 2011, 12:28 PM


Samsung announced today that it has sold 10 million Galaxy S II smartphones worldwide in five months.

While that's nowhere close to the amount of iPhones sold (Apple ships more than 20 million iPhones every three months), it's still very impressive for a single Android phone model.

That number will likely grow a lot now that the Galaxy S II is available in the U.S. It's already available on Sprint, and will arrive on AT&T on October 2. T-Mobile should announce a launch date very soon.

Still, the competition is only going to get tougher once Apple announces the iPhone 5 on October 4.

Don't miss our review of Sprint's Galaxy S II model >

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