Instant Alert: New York Times: iPhone 5 Announcement Is "Weeks Away"

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September 15, 2011
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New York Times: iPhone 5 Announcement Is "Weeks Away"

by Steve Kovach on Sep 15, 2011, 9:01 PM


The iPhone 5 announcement is coming "within weeks," according to the New York Times' Nick Bilton, citing an unnamed Apple Employee.

Today's iPhone chatter was higher than usual after a bunch of iPhone 5 case images snuck on to the accessory maker Case-Mate's website.

The cases hint at a completely new design for the iPhone 5 that mirrors the iPad 2.

Bilton strongly implies that the iPhone 5 cases were an intentional leak from Apple and Case Mate. We believe it. Apple has been known to drop such leaks just before big product announcements.

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