Instant Alert: Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

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September 24, 2011
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Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

by Ellis Hamburger on Sep 24, 2011, 1:46 PM


We've put together the best apps you may've missed this week.

We have an app to help you find the best restaurants and bars near you (with the combined help of Foursquare and Gowalla), an app to help keep track of your bills, and even an app to alert you when a sports game is about to get real exciting.

We even have a free app to help you find the best apps.

Flight Card isn't much more than a skinned, but it just looks so good

Flight Cards is one of those apps that is just so darn good-looking.

Its functionality is relatively limited--you can track planes, check gates, etc, but it's nothing you can't do by just Googling your flight number.

Still, if you are a frequent flyer and have five dollars to spare, Flight Cards is a very handsome at-a-glance app.

Price: $4.99

Highlights is a cool new way to find fun places near you

Highlights is a local recommendations app like Yelp, except Highlights plugs straight into Foursquare and Gowalla's reviews and pictures API.

The app is pretty to look at, streamlining the often-difficult task of finding a great burger place near you.

Price: $0.99 (iPhone, but iPad app looks stellar)

Agenda is the minimalist calendar you've been looking for

Agenda's week view for iPad might be worth the price tag alone.

Agenda syncs with any calendar you can imagine, has some fun swiping gestures, and a nice search feature, but the real star is the understated look that puts all distractions out of focus.

Price: $0.99

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