Instant Alert: Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

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September 03, 2011
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Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

by Ellis Hamburger on Sep 3, 2011, 12:15 PM


We've put together a list of the best iPhone and iPad apps you may've missed this week, just in time for labor day weekend.

Here you'll find an excellent new app for golf scorekeeping, a useful new way to follow your favorite sports teams, some clever new games, and much more.

Birdies is a great app for the casual golfer

Birdies is a simple, intuitive, and nice looking app for keeping track of golf scores for up to 4 people.

We love the ingenius slot-machine sliders for quickly inputting scores for a hole, and we like that there's no crazy bulk to go along with the app (no gimmicky range finders, etc).

Once you finish a round, email the results to yourself.

Price: $0.99

Foliozo is a brilliant portfolio for creative types

Whether you're a graphic designer, photographer, or marketer, Foliozo is your new go-to way to display your body of work. Forget about carrying tons of photos in a leather folio.

Load all your images and documents into Dropbox, which syncs with Foliozo. You can organize the images into folders for easy navigation. The interface is handsome and effective.

Price: $4.99

Quotebook is a beautiful way to collect your favorite quotes

Quotebooks helps you catalog all your favorite quotes. Nothing more, nothing less. This app doesn't come with quotes, by the way. You input them yourself.

Featuring a convenient "author browser" and plentiful sharing options, Quotebook is simple and useful. There's even an auto-detect feature for picking up authors so you can have quick access to their Wikipedia page.

Price: $1.99

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