Instant Alert: Check Out Google Music's New iPhone App [SCREENSHOTS]

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September 08, 2011
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Check Out Google Music's New iPhone App [SCREENSHOTS]

by Steve Kovach on Sep 8, 2011, 5:55 PM


Google just released a web app of Google Music Beta for Apple's iOS platform.

The app feels very basic, even a bit clunky. Swiping between menus stuttered a lot when we tried it and songs took a long time to start streaming, even over Wi-Fi.

Plus, you can't listen cache your songs and listen to them offline.

But it is a beta version, so you can only expect so much. And it's not like Apple is going to approve a native Google Music app any time soon.

The web app will work on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. If you have a Google Music account, just direct Safari to

When you first log in, the app will ask for 25 MB to cache the current song you're listening to

It takes a few seconds for your library to load

Here's the artists list. Pretty basic

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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