Instant Alert: Android Or iPhone? Here's What The Biggest Sports Superstars Use

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September 14, 2011
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Android Or iPhone? Here's What The Biggest Sports Superstars Use

by Ellis Hamburger on Sep 14, 2011, 5:07 PM


We checked out the Twitter accounts of the sports world's biggest stars to determine the answer to the age old question: Android or iPhone?

The answers might surprise you.

Novak Djokovic, tennis player: Blackberry

Djokovic won the US Open, then tweeted at Sean "Diddy" Combs from his Blackberry. 

Rory McIlroy, golfer: iPhone

McIlroy uses Twittelator for iPhone to tweet at his girlfriend Caroline Wozniacki.

LeBron James of the Miami Heat: iPhone

LeBron banters with Dwyane Wade from Echofon For iPhone.

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