Crazy start yesterday , hope you didnt miss the biggest launch in history?

Nice of the owner Joel to recognise me and send it to his entire list, here
is what he said:



It is official this is the biggest launch in the
history of the internet...

The biggest launch ever does not come
(unfortunately without its challenges)

We had some very high server loads even though the
load itself was clustered and shared amongst 7 servers..

Even our gateway provider thought that
we were sending them fraudulent CC charges LOL
because so many were coming in at one time!

I am truly amazed of the caliber of affiliates we have
involved.. thank you, thank you thank you..

However.. it is also a testament to the "product offering"

Truly.. NOW WHERE can you get what we are offering
for such a low price..


Tonight and into early tomorrow my team and I
will be working to add even more servers into our launch
cluster so that we do not see any slow downs on the
next big push tomorrow...

Ill be sure we have enough hardware to keep things solid
and fast (not easy with the massive traffic you are sending)

Here is the top five leaders of day 1.

1. Brian Bear... I had the pleasure of talking to Brian on
the phone ... what a true gentleman

2. Stone Evans... another rock star and gentleman that
ALWAYS amazes me with his pluginprofit system

3. Tim Sebert.. Looking forward to talking to this legend
of the internet, he is one heck of a marketer.

4. Brian Michael... I have yet to have the pleasure of talking
with Brian, but he tops the list at number 4- nice to be mentioned...

5. My good friend Tissa Godavitarne, one of the most
transparent and honest persons online that I am proud
to call my friend...

Brian Bear made a quick video showing how we even broke the 4x10 matrix
with traffic overload, watch him here:

This is the FIRST time in history that an ENTIRE DATA CENTER with ALL of their
servers are at maximum capacity! That just goes to show that this really IS the
largest event in internet marketing history! Mike Filsame was right! They all were.
Try again, you didn't miss anything! Try this link instead! only 104 in my team so far
but do not wait too long, we bring in another 100 or more today... trust me on that.


So what do all top internet marketers
have in common?

People like:

Me Brian..

Mike Filsaime
Kimball Roundy
Daegan Smith
Brian Bear
Mark Call
Janet Legere
Jeff Johnson
Stephen Pierce
Coach Deb Micek
Michael Cheney
Todd Gross
Frank Rumbauskas
Jane Mark
Derrick Van Dyke
Tellman Knudson
Joel Broughton
Keith Carberry
Tom Beal
Frank Sousa
Ewen Chia
Ken Mcarthur
Shaun Smith
Simon Stepsys
Rachel Long
Tissa Godavitarne

and many, many more top internet marketers!

They all host their web sites with the very best
web hosting and internet marketing company
on the internet...


You have probably heard of them but WAIT..

You can not get on board with the pre launch
of Hostthenprofit for less than $10.00 per month

Here is what you get for $9.97 per month

>>> host 4 different domains
>>> top of the line professional auto responder service
>>> your very own video hosting
>>> Your own GVOconference room
>>> The best business opportunity now in Pre Launch!

GET ON TOP NOW in this amazing and affordable
4 x 10 forced matrix!!

GET ON TOP NOW with all the very best internet
marketers in the world!!




See you on top
May God Bless you, & I can't WAIT to work

with you AND FOR you!

Cost is 1$ today only and then after the 7 day trial 9.97 bucks a month.
Credit or debit card only.

Brian & Dora
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earner

Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091

looking forward as always...

Join Brian Michael and Dora now,
do not hesitate, trust me on this one .

P.S. And yes, this is my affiliate link above,
but even though I'm being compensated to tell
you about this I wouldn't tell you under any
circumstances if I didn't believe in it.

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
