Instant Alert: Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

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August 13, 2011
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Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

by Ellis Hamburger on Aug 13, 2011, 12:40 PM


We've put together a list of the best apps for iPad and iPhone that you might've missed this week.

We have an app to sync customized news content to your iPhone and computer, an app to beam all your computer's video content onto your iPad, a Facebook calendar app for iPhone, and much more.

For New Yorker magazine lovers, or just plain old New Yorkers

New Yorker's new Goings On app is your guide to concerts, shows, restaurants, and anything else fun you can think of to do in New York.

Complete with audio tours, in-depth reviews, and an interactive map, this app is a must for any New Yorker.

Price: free

Facebook Messenger always keeps you in touch

Who needs phone numbers when you have your Facebook friends list?

Facebook Messenger ties into the Facebook Messaging platform, but is also something entirely unto itself. It's a data-based (not carrier-based) texting service that lets you send pictures, a location, group messages, and more.

Price: free

Vudu is on demand video through your browser

Vudu is a streaming movie service kind of like Netflix, except you get to pick and choose what you want to rent.

What's remarkable about Vudu is that you don't need to install an app to use it. Visit, pick a movie, and get started immediately, from within your iPad's (or computer's) browser.

Price: free

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