Instant Alert: Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

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August 06, 2011
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Here Are The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

by Ellis Hamburger on Aug 6, 2011, 1:38 PM


We've put together a list of the all the best iPhone and iPad apps that got buzzed about this week.

We have an app for making some quick cash from your old electronics, an app to take short and sweet video/pictures, and even an app that lets you see where the twin towers used to be via augmented reality.

And finally, Skype built an iPad app for video and audio chat.

110 stories isn't available yet, but you need to know about it

110 Stories is an augmented reality app that shows you where the twin towers used to be when you hold up your iPhone. Once you see them, you can input your story from September 11th and share it with others.

Unfortunately, the app hasn't been built yet. But, 100 Stories just met its goal on Kickstarter of raising $25,000, so the app should be in production soon

Price: a few months away, probably free

GLMPS is a fun new Instagram-like sharing app

We checked out GLMPS earlier this week, an amazing new photo/video sharing app.

The way it works is that you open up GLMPS, take a picture, and then the app grabs the previous 5 seconds of video before the picture was taken. In this way, you not only get the picture, but you get the context and sounds of the scene it was taken in.

Price: free

Skype for iPad is finally here

We have no idea what took them so long, but Skype for iPad is finally here--now you can video chat and makes calls with people from around the world straight from your iPad (audio only) and iPad 2 (audio and video).

There's a brand new interface, complete with instant messaging, buddy lists, video chat features, and more. It's a must-download app.

Price: free

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