Instant Alert: BLACKBERRY OR iPHONE: Here's What Big-Time Politicians Use

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August 01, 2011
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BLACKBERRY OR iPHONE: Here's What Big-Time Politicians Use

by Ellis Hamburger on Aug 1, 2011, 5:43 PM


We checked out the Twitter accounts of top US politicians to find out exactly where they were tweeting from while on the go.

Do they carry around a Blackberry with them or an iPhone. Or maybe even and Android or Windows Phone here and there?

Read on to find out.

Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader: Blackberry

Pelosi tweets about keeping our loyalty to seniors and veterans from her Blackberry.

Chuck Schumer, New York Senator: Blackberry

Schumer tweets his opinion on tax cuts and spending form his Blackberry.

Jared Polis, Rep from Colorado: iPhone

Polis live tweets from the floor using his iPhone.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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