Instant Alert: Apple Just Released iTunes Match Beta To Developers

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August 29, 2011
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Apple Just Released iTunes Match Beta To Developers

by Steve Kovach on Aug 29, 2011, 10:02 PM


Apple released the beta version of iTunes Match, the service that lets you stream your tracks from the cloud, to developers tonight.

You must have an iOS developers account, which costs $99 per year, to access iTunes Match Beta.

iTunes Match gives you access to Apple's catalog of 18 million songs. It scans your computer's library, and matches the tracks you own to those iTunes has the rights to.

You can then stream those songs to any device -- iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Apple TV -- without having to store them locally.

When the service goes live to the public, it'll cost $25 per year.

Tonight's beta release means we're getting closer to the public launch of iCloud and iOS 5. Those features will likely launch along with the iPhone 5.

Don't Miss: All the iPhone 5 rumors you could ever want >

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