Instant Alert: The 5 Worst Pieces Of Advice Apple Ever Got

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August 14, 2011
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The 5 Worst Pieces Of Advice Apple Ever Got

by Jesus Diaz on Aug 14, 2011, 8:30 AM

Steve Jobs didn't care about any of the advice that pundits gave Apple back in 1997. He's now commanding one of the world's most valuable companies. Here are the top 5 advices that he never listened to:

5. Invest heavily in Newton technology.Wired
Newton was cool, but not that cool. Instead we got a single OS that spawns from the desktop to the iPod touch, which runs on the ARM family of chips Newton used to run on.

4. Apple should adopt Windows. — John C. Dvorak
To kill itself, John means. And he said this after Mac OS X was already a reality.

3. Apple should pull the plug on the iPhone. — John C. Dvorak
You gotta admit he is hilarious. Of course, he didn't know that the iPhone was going to be Apple's key to take all over the world.

2. Get out of the hardware game.Wired
It's hard to get out of the hardware game when it gives you huge margins and allows you to control everything in your platform.

1. "What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders."Michael Dell
Dell now has a $25.82 billion capitalization, which sad sales and margins. Apple is now at $338.39 billion, with insane sales, profits and margins. Poor Mickey.

If you want more bad (and some good) advice, read Rafe Colburn analysis on Wired's 101 ways to save Apple 1997 story.

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