Instant Alert: Here Are All The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

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July 23, 2011
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Here Are All The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week

by Ellis Hamburger on Jul 23, 2011, 12:13 PM


We've put together a list of the best iPhone and iPad apps you missed during your egg-frying-ly hot work week.

We have some incredible apps for listening to and making music, the best movies app for your iPad, the most high-tech baby monitor app we've seen, plus much more.

Evoz Baby Monitor lets you keep a close ear to your child

Evoz's new Baby Monitor app is amazing. If you have an Evoz Wi-Fi enabled baby monitor, all you do is put it in your baby's room, and listen to him or her from anywhere in the world using the app.

One reviewer said, "This is the future of parenting. Baby started crying and I got a text. I really didn't think it would work. So sweet!"

Price: free

Sktch for iPad is an innovative art-making app

Sktch helps you craft unique geometric masterpieces on your iPad.

Choose from 16 presets to get started, then map out abstract shapes, lines, and planes in 2D or 3D. Some of the presets even let you use multitouch to make designs.

Price: $1.99

Thrutu adds a new dimension to making phone calls

We checked out Thrutu earlier this week, a cool app that lets you send pictures, money, a "prod," or your location while you're on a phone call.

A useful way to use Thrutu is to help you find someone in a big public place. You can see someone's GPS coordinates on a map, as you talk to them.

Price: free

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