Instant Alert: CHART OF THE DAY: Despite Android's Rise, It's Losing Developer Support

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July 14, 2011
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CHART OF THE DAY: Despite Android's Rise, It's Losing Developer Support

by Jay Yarow on Jul 14, 2011, 4:52 PM

According to mobile analytics firm Flurry, developer support for Android has been waning despite its incredible growth.

Flurry tracks the activity of 45,000 developers who have built 90,000 different applications. Every time a developer starts a new project, Flurry knows which platform the developer is working on. 

As you can see below, developers started fewer Android projects in the second quarter of the year than the first. Flurry speculates the change was driven by the Verizon iPhone and the popularity of the iPad 2.

Whatever the reason, it's good news for Apple.

chart of the day, new project starts, ios vs android, july 2011

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