Instant Alert: Android Or iPhone? Here's What A-List Celebrities Use

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July 06, 2011
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Android Or iPhone? Here's What A-List Celebrities Use

by Ellis Hamburger on Jul 6, 2011, 5:01 PM


We mined the Twitter accounts of your favorite celebrities to determine the answer to the age old question: Android or iPhone?

Or maybe a Blackberry here and there?

The answers might surprise you, as will how many celebs are tweeting about planking.

Katy Perry, pop star: Blackberry

Perry tweets corny jokes using her Blackberry.

Eliza Dushku, actress: Blackberry and iPhone

Dushku uses her Blackberry and iPhone to tweet about traveling and Google+.

Lady Gaga, pop superstar: Blackberry

Lady Gaga uses a Blackberry to tweet about sticking to your guns.

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