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Idea Evolution

By definition, evolution is the process of gradual and continuous change or development. In many respects the same can be said for inventing. All inventions are not brand new ideas. Many new products evolve from one model to another; advancing their design, capabilities and function.

At Davison our Inventing Method is applied to helping products and ideas evolve. If you have a new or product improvement idea, we'd like to speak with you about it. We build ideas into products and present them to corporations. Our products have sold in Lowe's, Bed Bath & Beyond, Crate & Barrel, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Walmart and over 900 more.

Submit your idea

A typical project does not get a royalty agreement, sell in stores or generate a profit.

Davison provides services to professionally prepare and present product ideas to potential licensees. Services are provided for an upfront fee paid by the client and a contingent fee, or a percentage of royalties obtained by the client, if any. Davison does not perform analysis of the potential feasibility, marketability, patentability or profitability of ideas submitted to it. New product development is an uncertain endeavor and Davison does not represent, expressly or impliedly, that an idea submitted to it will be licensed, sell on any market or provide a positive return to the inventor on money spent for development.
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