New Fat Loss Information You NEED To Know

Hi Marketing,

Just the other day, I shared one of my favorite resources
when it comes to nutrition and fat loss. If you missed it,
you can watch the totally f*ree video here:

If you've already watched it, then you were introduced
to one of my favorite nutrition authors, Isabel De Los
Rios. I consider Isabel to be one of the most knowledgeable
nutrition experts I've come across over the years and I was
extremely impressed with her information and her program,
"The Diet Solution".

If you really want "The TRUTH" when it comes to losing
fat…no fads, no pills, no starvation…this information
is definitely for you.

Here are some of the great topics that Isabel
demystifies regarding your diet:

*How to determine the exact types of foods that are
most appropriate for your specific body and metabolism
type. After all, we are all different, so 1 specific
diet is NEVER right for everyone.

*The dangers of eating certain types of soy products…
which types are ok in moderation, and which types
shouldn't be eaten at all, unless you WANT more belly fat!

*What you need to know about dairy before ever buying
another dairy product again

*Why "whole grains" are not always as healthy as the
label claims, but there is an "other type" of grain
that is a contender for the superfood lists

*Is organic food worth the price?

*The honest truth about carbohydrates and how much
you really need

*The major misconceptions about dietary fat that you
need to know about

*Ideal protein-carb-fat ratios based on your specific
metabolism and body type

*Everything you need to know about salt, sweeteners,
alcohol, and more

In my opinion, this info is a MUST-SEE for everyone
that cares about their health and that of their loved
ones, and wants to finally fully understand nutrition
and how to get a lean body for life.

I loved this and I know you will too…

Kind Regards,
Real Weight Loss Dynamics

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