Instant Alert: WILD: 1/3 Of Chinese iPhones Are Jailbroken

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May 03, 2011
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WILD: 1/3 Of Chinese iPhones Are Jailbroken

by Ellis Hamburger on May 3, 2011, 1:41 AM

jailbreak ios devices rates TNW

Chinese mobile research firm Umeng just published an infographic claiming that 34.6% of current Chinese iOS devices have been jailbroken.

TNW picked up on the report, which also illustrates that close to 40% of recent iPhones (3GS and 4) are jailbroken.WILD

This means that more than one in three Chinese iPhone owners are using an iPhone containing software meant to circumvent the restrictions Apple puts on iPhone customization, apps, and modifications.

The data can mean a few things. It means that the biggest consumer market in the world has a high percentage of users accessing jailbroken software on iPhones. But, it also re-enforces the fact that lots of "grey market" iPhones sold in China are already jailbroken when they enter the consumer's hands (according to TNW).

We have no real way of knowing how many of these users are actually using jailbreak apps, but we'll bet it's a lot of them.

(Via TheNextWeb)

Don't Miss: The Truth About Jailbreaking: It's The Only Way To Truly Enjoy Your iPhone →

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