[firstname]], A SUGGESTION....

Hello Marketing

We are not asking you to purchase anything, but the reason you became a subscriber is because you wanted to know How to get a Perfectly Toned Body.

If you would take a moment out of your busy day to visit www.tonetix.com and learn more about this body toning system, not only will it give you the results you want in an amazingly short time, it will save you time because you can do the techniques during your normal day! You don't need to worry about having no time to get in shape because you do it while you work, rest or play!

There are free videos on the site to give you an idea of the power of the muscle contraction used during Tonetix.  It is a proven, age-old technique made user friendly by Tonetix.  It blow torches fat, burns calories and tones fast!

If you are satisfied that you do not want to have Tonetix in your life after studying it, you will at least have learnt how to achieve a Perfect Posture from the free video on the site.  If however, you would like to learn all twelve techniques in less that half an hour, (we have introduced "Fast Track"!) and have them for life, you can still get all twelve for just $10 (because you are a subscriber).  All you have to do is remember our special coupon password gift for when you go to the purchase site.  Offer ends at midnight on Sunday 15th May!  We must then go back to our launch price of $29.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.  You will not regret taking up our suggestion, you will be doing yourself a favour. The techniques are simple to learn, easy to do and they become a habit.  They really do work!  Speed up your metabolism effortlessly!
You have nothing to lose but the inches!  It is an opportunity not to be missed.

Very many thanks for your time.

Carol and Pat

Contact us at: tonetix@gmail.com for information about our Affiliate Program - Affiliates receive 50% of all the sales they generate!
Watch out for our TV Launch!

ToNETix, Port Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, 01757, Spain
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
